We have received glimpses of the vision of the children of
Faith Home reaching out beyond our walls and sharing the love of Christ with
their people. But nothing I have
witnessed so far could compare with the culmination of events that lead up to
last night’s worship service.
Back in January, I had an idea for a Faith Home video in
which we used the Spanish version of the song ‘The Least of These’. The problem was that we couldn’t find a Spanish
version of that song. So the back to
school team, along with Henry and Odalin translated the lyrics and I recorded
them playing the song. I used pictures
of the children from the past when they were ‘The Least of These’ whom God
placed in Faith Home for a purpose, then transitioned into pictures from the
present. Pictures taken in moments, when
I was in awe of God’s heart shining through our Faith Home children in some
pretty amazing ways. I barely finished
the video in time to share at the Missions Summit a few weeks ago.
Odalin came to visit me yesterday and as we were eating
supper, she shared some of the things God has been revealing to her heart as
she works in San Pedro and is discovering how to have a life outside Faith
Home. I shared the finished product of
the video and Odalin wanted to show it in church last night. It was her night to lead worship. The plan was for her to explain
the scripture behind ‘The Least of These’ and how God took them from being ‘The
Least of These’, to helping ‘The Least of These’. But God had more than an explanation and a
video in mind for last night.
Before Odalin started to share the video, it was time for
specials. Our 3 year old Reyna (Allison)
stepped up to sing a special and with Microphone in hand, she sang with all of
her heart…God’s heart. I watched Odalin
looking at Reyna with love and knew that God was speaking more to her
heart than either of us could have imagined.
There was one of our youngest just starting to learn about God and one
of our oldest discovering her part of God’s plan. What a picture of full circle! I prayed that as Odalin began to introduce
the video, that God would fill her with His words to share with the children…His
What started as a video introduction, turned into an all-out
sermon as Odalin poured her heart out to the children about the things she has
seen, heard and learned over the years at Faith Home about God’s purpose for
her life. She shared how those things
now are a reality as she lives out in the world and sees the needy people and
God is touching her heart with a longing to do something to help them. She shared that they all have a calling on
their life and it didn’t matter their past or their own mistakes, God would
take their imperfection and use it to fulfill His plan. Her words placed a challenge on the hearts of
us all to fulfill God’s plan.
Every child and adult in the chapel was intent on listening
to Odalin’s heartfelt testimony, which exhibited strength and love beyond
anything I have ever witnessed before. They
were very attentive as they looked at pictures of themselves as small children, as well as
those moments where they were God’s heart to others. As I dried my eyes, I could feel God’s Spirit
saying ‘Look and listen. THAT’s God’s
heart shining through. ‘ Odalin is becoming
what she was created to be and she will be one of many who will have a domino
effect on the others as they discover their places in this country and take God’s
heart with them, wherever they go. Yeah,
it was a proud momma moment!
click below to watch the video:
Christina Massey Faith Home Video - The Least of These