Today was even more awesome than yesterday! I'm wondering if I should be having this much fun on a mission trip....yeah of course! Nothing to complain about for sure. I got to meet 241 Honduran children today in Kids Ministry and we had a blast! The clinics were backed up so we got to take our time with each of the children. We didn't have a translator, but the people from the church we were working out of were helping us. There were a few kids that I started to recognize as repeats, but I just pretended that I didn't notice. They were sneaking around and filtering in with the new families as they came in church. I figured what did it hurt?
One little 9 year old girl in particular, I had seen four times already. I just smiled and winked at her to let her know that I remembered her. In one service there were several salvations and the church members were all busy talking with them. When the children came up for the lesson, there wasn't anyone available to read it. The little girl that kept coming back raised her hand and offered to read, so I let her. Apparently she had caught on from being there so much and she proceeded to teach the lesson with so much enthusiasm, the children were listening and responding. She even made them repeat the main points in unison. I saw God working through that little child. Awesome!