Thursday, September 16, 2010


What's your destination?  We are constantly planning trips, events and outings and have a new destination daily.  We go to work, school, church, shopping and anywhere else our hearts desire.  We jump in the car sometimes not even knowing where we are going, punch the location in our GPS and let it lead us to our destination.  We walk for excercise, not out of necessity.  A dramatically different lifestyle than the average Honduran person.

I'm still adjusting to being back from an amazing mission trip to Honduras.  Culture shock!  Funny, you would think I would experience it there among all the poor, impoverished conditions that we witnessed, but no, I experience it most when I get back home.  I remember returning from my very first trip to Honduras and when we got off the plane in Houston, I cried for all that I saw around me, knowing what I had just left behind.  It is still the same feeling now after 9 years and 11 trips.  I have knots in my stomach and this incredible feeling that I didn't do enough....I want to do more.  Why do we have so much, and they have so little?  Why are we such a blessed country with freedoms and opportunities unimaginable to the Hondurans? 

The answer is simple....God.  This country has been blessed by God and each of us have been blessed as well.  We can NEVER take those blessings for granted.  They were not given to us for just our own selfish satisfaction and comfort....we were all made to do more.  The more we have, the more we are expected to give and do.  The more we know, the more we should share what we know to help others.   I for one, know that I fall short of that and I am working on doing a better job using the abilities, blessings and freedoms given to me by God, to make a difference. 

As we left Honduras, each of the team members said their good-byes and boarded their respective planes.   It was sad to say goodbye to family that we had come to know and love, not knowing if we would ever see them again.   When I heard the stewardess say that Memphis was my 'final destination', I remember thinking that really it wasn't.....Heaven is my 'final destination' and that made me smile.  For all the team members, Hondurans, missionaries and friends that we left behind, we will see them again someday.  In the meantime, we have to do all that we can to make sure that we invite as many people as possible on this incredible journey to the greatest, most awesome FINAL DESTINATION. 

Friday, September 10, 2010

The End or just the Beginning?

`Today was the last day of an awesome week.  We started the day with a Sunrise Communion Service at the Faith Home Chapel.  The sun created an beautiful array of colors through the stained glass, making the portrait spring to life.  It was an awesome reflection / worship time for the team.

Most of the team went up to the Women's Coop, had a pizza party with the Faith Home children and went to the Guamalito (market) shopping.  A few of us went with Saul and Larry Warren to do some follow up visits to some hearing aid patients.  We had the best day going out and visiting with the people while Larry adjusted and replaced hearing aids.  It's amazing to see the look on a person's face when they signal that they can hear.  Their eyes light up before they even say anything or make a motion.  The simple things that we take for granted, are what mean the most to someone who doesn't have it.

We wrapped up our week with a lengthy devotion and worship time and reflected on the week behind us while challenging each other to carry our experience ahead.  This may be the end of our mission week here in Honduras, but it's the beginning of a new we return with a fresh new focus! 

Thursday, September 9, 2010


Today was just a very humbling day. From the minute we arrived at the church / home combination that would be our work site, I was reminded how blessed I am. The people we saw today seemed worse off physically and socially than any we saw this week. They live in an 'Invasion' by the river, a place where homeless people put together shacks of whatever they can find and live there until ran off the property. They were very appreciative of everything we gave and did for them today.

When we were told that church would be in a 'Dungeon' a narrow, muddy floor, stinky garage, and everything else would be in the tile floor church building, Pastor Kevin Morris and I were disappointed. As the church services went on, we were quickly reminded how God works all things out and his plans are better than our plans. We adapted to our facilities and the day ran smoother than any other....humbling.

When we finished church, Saul took us to see where the people lived while the clinic finished up. I was amazed at their innovativeness with the limited supplies they have. Seeing shacks made from sticks, tin, cardboard and trash makes you realize just how fortunate we are. Even our worst is better than their best....humbling.

The Pastors from the area churches were so excited to just get our leftover childrens ministry supplies. For us a few colorsheets and crayons isn't much at church. They said they had no supplies....humbling.

I think God planned this place for our last worksite as a reminder to not become numb to our surroundings. To see this poverty with fresh eyes and broken hearts. We should never forget the blessings He has given us. We should remember He blessed us so that we can bless others.
Yeah today was a great day......but HUMBLING.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


We had an awesome day in Alemania, the same community we visited yesterday. Today there were people coming from every direction. Too many for us to get them all through the clinic and there was still a large crowd outside the gate after our cutoff point. These people had been standing out there all day and there was no shade to be found as the sun beat viciously down on them. We didn't want to just tell them to leave and we couldn't possibly let them in....we had to do something. So we went out to them.

We literally took it to the streets as Jackie went out and took family pictures and Kevin shared a message while Saul translated. At the end, we gathered the children around and prayed for them. It was an awesome feeling as the prayer ended and each one of the children came up and we hugged and kissed on the cheek. The hospitality team made each of them a bag with beans, rice, hygiene products, childrens gifts, family photo and most importantly...a bible. The people were so appreciative as they received their bags and went on to their homes. They said "thank you and God bless you" with huge smiles. I was so glad that we went out to them and ministered to them....right where they were.

After we were finished with church for the day, I had a few hours to just spend time with the kids. There were several that had been there all day both days, so they just flocked around anytime they saw someone they knew. We had the best time just visiting and playing and I got to know several of them really well. They were fascinated with my camera and taking pictures of me and each other. They were so appreciative of what the team had done for them and their family. They kept telling me they loved me and was hugging me. They even gave me little gifts. It was so sweet! Awesome day!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


What an amazing start to our day!  There were several people made the decision to give their hearts and lives to the Lord in our first church service.  They listened intently as Saul explained about our gracious, forgiving God who sent His Son to die for our sins so that we can spend eternity in Heaven with that we could live a life full of joy and peace that we were born to seek.  He explained that this amazing gift from God was free for all to have, but the CHOICE was ours to make.   And we all make a choice.  Even by not choosing, we are making the choice to spend an eternity separated from eternity in hell.

Just looking at the picture now of all the hands raised, choosing God, makes me full of joy.... for all these lives were changed because of choices.  Choices made by the individuals in the picture, choices by the team members who came together to create this ministry opportunity, choices by the team's family and churches who supportingly sent them, choices of the missionaries who have given up the comforts of home to serve in Honduras as well as interrupt their ministry schedules to allow us to do this ministry and the list goes on and on.  Millions of little choices that culminated in this one moment of the greatest choice of all....eternal choices.

I had an amazing morning spending time with the children in this village.  They taught me some Spanish and I taught them some English while we waited for the first church service to start.  Once again they melted my heart as I looked into each of their eyes, while tying their bracelets on and praying for them.  I hope to never forget those faces and hope that in those moments they saw the love of Christ that will go with them throughout their lives.

My day was a little shorter on the field than expected because Erma (my friend Jeneen's mom who I promised to take care of) got sick.  Erma didn't want to be a burden, but I insisted that she let us take her back to Faith Home where she could lay down and rest and get some medicine to working on her.  As Johnny and Jeff took us back to Faith Home, I thought about geting her settled in and going back since Roberta (our cook) and our missionaries would be there to check on her, but I didn't feel comfortable with that.  I felt I needed to be here with her.  So I made the CHOICE to stay and I'm glad I did.

Erma is still sleeping and is doing much better and I've had an amazing afternoon here at Faith Home.  I am now sitting on the porch with the sounds of the children in the valley below, the gorgeous mountainside view around me, the birds singing in the woods behind me and an amazing God speaking to my heart.  I'm thinking about choices.

Everyday, we make hundreds of choices, either deliberately or automatically.  Our choices affect more than we realize and often times lead to more difficult choices later.  From the big choices down to the small choices....they all affect us and others somehow.  The hardest choices don't seem to be between good and bad....they seem to be between good and better.  Even a lack of choosing is still a choice.  God gives us so many amazing opportunities and gives us the freedom to choose to join Him in His plan.

God's plan hasn't changed.  He wants everyone to know Him and love Him and spend an eternity with Him  and He invites us to be a part of that plan.  Yet, He gives us the freedom of choice.  We can choose to join Him on an incredible fullfilling adventure of being a part of His plan or we can choose to pursue our own selfish desires and plans.  I know it's easy for me to say that while I'm here in Honduras, far removed from the temptations of the world.   My desire is to serve Him with my choose Him each and every opportunity that He gives me to be His hands and feet, here and at home.   I want to make Godly choices.  

And now I see Saul's sons outside playing beside the team house, so I'm choosing to quit thinking so much and go play!

Monday, September 6, 2010


I woke up at 4 am excited and ready to start the day. I couldn't wait to get to the squatters community and see the people. When we finished devotions, I jumped on the trailer to help load our supplies and I continued at that fast past as we got to the community. I was running from the church (dirt floor, metal roof, pavilion) down to the clinic trying to get everything ready for church to start, when I spotted something that stopped me in my tracks.

It was a little old woman with two small children trying to hold her up while she attempted to hobble down the muddy road to church. My heart went out to her and I immediately went to her side and put my arms around her to help her walk. I walked with the woman down the road, only moving one inch at a time as I made small talk with her.  As I watched her wince in pain with each baby step, I tried to think of ways I could get her there faster and with less pain. I could've probably picked her up but I'm sure that would've been disrespectful for her.  I couldn't find any other means of transporting her. So we trudged along.

Then I heard Saul starting the church service and thought "I need to get there faster to help. I need to be in church right now". No sooner had that thought passed my mind when I heard the team behind me calling everyone to gather around the clinic to sing Holy Ground. I was thinking "I need to be back there with the team".  That walk seemed like the slowest I've ever moved in my life.

So here I am creeping along, feeling like I need to be at church and I need to be with the team and suddenly I hear God say "NO. You need to be right here, right now. This is where I need you to be my hands and feet in this moment, in this place to this woman". Wow! I looked at the woman as she struggled to smile at me through her pain and I smiled with a fresh appreciation of our slow pace. And I thoroughly enjoyed every little nano step of the remainder of our LONG WALK.
So many times I race through life, as I was today, thinking I need to be here or be there and I quite possibly am missing the most important opportunities right in front of just be right where God needs me at that moment.

The day was awesome!  It was a small community of people so we finished early, but the quality of time we had with them was amazing. We took our time in the church services and visited before and after.  As we prayed for each child and looked into their eyes, I prayed for their future and God's blessings on their lives. I hope we touched their hearts.....I know they touched mine.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Sadia’s Story

Here is Sadia's Story by Doctor Jeneen:

On Wednesday of the February medical team week we went to el banana. During the morning a little girl and her mother came to meet with Dr. David. He was told the Sadia had been born deaf and she did not speak but that recently she had been having a lot of pain in her ears. Dr. David noted that both ear canals were blocked with debris. He and the staff worked to free the debris to help ease the pain. He was unable to clear the issue without hurting her so he sent her home with drops and was told to return in the morning. To complicate the story even further even if we could clear the debris our hearing station would be unable to test Sadia because the leader had become very ill and was forced back to the United States for treatment.

She and her mother were anxiously awaiting the med team when we arrived on Thursday (the last day of clinic.) I brought her back and tried to evacuate the debris with limited success. Again, I felt as though I may be doing more harm then good and decided to sit with her on a bench and apply the drops and simply hold her in my lap and rock her while I was giving the drops time to work. Her mother stood behind me and was telling a team translator more of the story. She stated that while she was pregnant with Sadia she had been severely beaten and with tears streaming from her eyes she admitted that she felt this incredible guilt because she felt that she was the cause of Sadia not being able to hear, speak, attend school, have friends, or simply be “normal.” For 10 years she carried this huge blanket of guilt.

After this conversation, while I was sitting on a bench rocking this beautiful child on my lap the team members gathered and we began to pray not only for Sadia but also for her mother. At the end of the prayer I tried one last time to clear the debris so that Sadia could have less pain. Amazingly, all of the debris came loose immediately and the pain on Sadia’s face disappeared!!! I decided to see if it made any difference with her hearing. With her mother in front of her and the team members gathered around I stood behind Sadia and in a moderate tone said “ola” She said…. “ola.” That was the first word Sadia ever heard or spoke.

She had the most priceless smile on her face and tears of joy replaced the tears of pain. Her mother stood sobbing and began immediately praising GOD. She knew that what had transpired that day was a miracle from GOD. Not only the miracle of health and healing for her child but also the miracle of a mother who let go of all of the guilt she had been carrying with her for ten years. Praise GOD! The healer of ALL THINGS.

Sadia Can Hear!

A few of us went back to El Banano this afternoon to find Sadia, a little girl that stole our heart in February.  Sadia couldn't hear and we couldn't fit her with hearing aids while we were here last time.  But Doctor Jeneen got all the information and we went back to see if we could find her, and we did!  It was awesome watching the expressions on Sadia's face as she started to hear the sounds through the earphones that Larry Warren was testing her with.  The whole family watched intently as Larry made her a temporary hearing aid and fitted her for permanent ones that will be brought back to her next year. 

Sadia had a hard time communicating because of not being able to hear her whole life, but her eyes and her smile said it all.  She clapped her hands and smiled from ear to ear......sooooo excited at the new sounds she was hearing.  Even a dog barking across the road caught her attention and at first a puzzled look, then a smile once she realized what it was.

We showed them the picture of the team gathered around Sadia in February, praying for her.  Saul explained that we had prayed and God had provided a way for us to come back and help her hear.  The look of appreciation on the family's face was heartwhelming.  Even the children seemed so excited for Sadia as they began to talk to her and see how much they could communicate.  Erma (Jeneen's mom) led us in prayer before we left, while Saul translated. 

The work week hasn't started yet and I'm just overwhelmed at the way our Awesome God is at work.  Can't wait for tomorrow!

Sadia's Smile

When we went out to find Sadia, I had taken a picture of the information sheet from Jeneen and Angelo had sent me a picture of Sadia so that we could show it to the people and help us find her.  It just so happened that the picture he sent was of Jeneen and Sadia from February and they were sticking their tongues out acting silly.  When we finally found Sadia, I showed her that picture to help explain who had sent us there.  We wanted to take another picture of Sadia and when we started to snap the picture, she stuck her tongue out.  It was soooo funny!   We asked her to smile and she stuck her tongue out again.  She thought we wanted another picture like that.  Finally the lady there with her went over and said something and Sadia finally smiled for the picture.  I guess something had got lost in the translation and who knows what she thought.  Maybe she thinks that's how we smile.  LOL  Thinking about that now....and it's hilarious!

Saturday, September 4, 2010


The electricity finally came back on and we had an awesome worship / devotion time.  Scott shared about a missionary from his church who was killed in Afghanistan on August 5th.  Cheryl Beckett was an amazing woman with a desire to share God's love, without regard to her own safety.  One thing that Scott shared was that when Cheryl had been asked what was the most difficult thing she faced while on the mission field.  Her answer was freedom to worship. 

We take our freedom to worship God so for granted.  As we worshipped tonight, we excercised our freedom and felt the presence of God in the most powerful amazing way.  We could hear the booming thunder and see the lightening illuminating the sky and were reminded of the power and majesty of our Amazing God.   I am resolved to not take my freedoms or our awesome God for granted and be thankful for just being FREE TO WORSHIP.

Link to article about Cheryl:


As the team sits on the porch in the dark with the rain beating down on the roof. I just stopped for a moment and noted the simple sounds. The sound of people getting to know each other, some catching up with old friends and the fierce, yet calming. We can't get the meds sorted and ready for the first workday or do much of anything else at the moment. The night hasn't went as planned, but somehow it is alright. Like we all needed these moments....


Finally Home! Faith Home that is. :-) We are getting to know all the team members on the porch of the General Baptist orphanage that we will call our home for the next week. Some new faces and some old, but all have amazing love for God and our mission here. It's a beautiful gorgeous HOT day and the electricity is out so I'm having to text this blog entry.  Hope it posts. Keep us in you prayers. More later.....


Our main purpose for this mission trip is to share the love of God to the Hondurans.  To be the hands and feet of Jesus.  By offering them medical/ dental services we are able to meet their physical needs as well as their spiritual needs.  

The coolest thing is that usually it seems the greatest impact spiritually is not just during the church services offered before they go to clinic. Its usually during the interaction between the Hondurans and the amazing people that God has placed on the team.   The Hondurans see and feel the love of Christ from the team as they unconditionally love and embrace them.... in actions as well as spirit.  

As I wait on the plane here in Atlanta, I'm getting sooo excited to be a part of such an awesome ministry!

Friday, September 3, 2010


After what seems like the longest busiest week EVER, I am finally ready to leave for Honduras.  I'm at the airport Hotel in Memphis with Erma (my friend Jeneen's mom).  We are flying out early in the morning and we both are excited and ready to go on this  mission trip. 

On the way to Memphis, I was needing to clear my head from the 'stuff' in my life that was bringing me down.  I knew I needed to start focusing on the trip but was having a hard time letting things go.  I started thinking about who could I call to make me feel better, then had one of those 'duh' moments....I just needed to pray.  So I just layed it all out there and told God how I felt and that I knew the trip ahead was going to be full of blessings and opportunity to see Him at work.  I wanted to let everything else go and just focus on that.  God gave me a peace that could only come from Him and reminded me that HE is in control.  No more spazzing....leaving it all in His hands and I'm READY TO GO TO HONDURAS!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Leaving for Honduras in two days! I'm so excited but still have much to do. Please be in prayer for the Hondurans, the mission team and myself.