Today was just a very humbling day. From the minute we arrived at the church / home combination that would be our work site, I was reminded how blessed I am. The people we saw today seemed worse off physically and socially than any we saw this week. They live in an 'Invasion' by the river, a place where homeless people put together shacks of whatever they can find and live there until ran off the property. They were very appreciative of everything we gave and did for them today.
When we were told that church would be in a 'Dungeon' a narrow, muddy floor, stinky garage, and everything else would be in the tile floor church building, Pastor Kevin Morris and I were disappointed. As the church services went on, we were quickly reminded how God works all things out and his plans are better than our plans. We adapted to our facilities and the day ran smoother than any other....humbling.
When we finished church, Saul took us to see where the people lived while the clinic finished up. I was amazed at their innovativeness with the limited supplies they have. Seeing shacks made from sticks, tin, cardboard and trash makes you realize just how fortunate we are. Even our worst is better than their best....humbling.
The Pastors from the area churches were so excited to just get our leftover childrens ministry supplies. For us a few colorsheets and crayons isn't much at church. They said they had no supplies....humbling.
I think God planned this place for our last worksite as a reminder to not become numb to our surroundings. To see this poverty with fresh eyes and broken hearts. We should never forget the blessings He has given us. We should remember He blessed us so that we can bless others.
Yeah today was a great day......but HUMBLING.