This morning as we prayed, I asked for God to open our eyes so that we could see Him again today. We had an awesome morning in church. When I had a break, I walked down to the pulperia (store in a house) to get sodas for some of the team. On my way back I was thinking about my morning prayer and the fact that I hadn't had any big 'aha' moments like I had seen the past two days. Just as the thought crossed my mind, I felt a gentle breeze come from nowhere and at that moment....I saw God. I saw Him in the gentle breeze, in the mountains surrounding us and in the sounds of the team and the Hondurans as I approached the work site. This new sighting of God continued throughout the day, moment after moment as even the simplest of interractions revealed God.
An older gentlemen came to play guitar at the church service and I asked him to play and sing with the children as we circled for prayer.....I saw and heard God in that man.
One of the men who prayed with Marietta yesterday, came and prayed for the children. With faith like his, these children will be blessed for sure. I saw God in that man. God was in each team member as I watched them interact lovingly with the Hondurans. God's face beamed through the faces of the children as they looked up at me with big brown eyes and gorgeous smiles.
At the end of the day, I walked up the mountain and from the top, I stood in awe of God's majestic beauty surrounding us.

The people of the village asked the team to circle around while they presented us with certificates of appreciation for coming to help them. They even titled us all 'Doctors & Doctoras'. Guess we can practice medicine in Honduras now. LOL We sang and prayed with them, and God's presence was overwhelming.
As we started to leave, a little girl who had been my shadow all week was crying and holding me so tight that I could hardly breath. She and her mother had asked me to take her home with me. Tough moment, but through tear streaked eyes, I saw God in that little girl.
It's amazing what you see when you are.....LOOKING FOR GOD.