Life here is nothing like the life I knew before, and I am thankful for that. God continually reminds me that the things that I used to think were the most important things in life, are of no value when weighed against HIS perfect plan of reconciling His people to Him. I am blessed to see the transforming power of God in the lives of the children of Faith Home and the people of Honduras. I am blessed to feel His amazing peace in the midst of the unknown. I am blessed to be a part of HIS plan for these amazing children and young adults…..I am blessed.
Last Sunday, I visited the Sunday School class that Pastor Miguel was leading. I watched in awe as the children soared through their Bibles answering the questions in their study guides. Fernando (who accepted Christ a few weeks ago) asked Jose Pacheco to help him with his work. My eyes filled with tears of joy as I watched Jose teach Fernando how to look up the verses in his Bible. Jose, has completely turned his life around since he accepted Christ in his heart in May. He now leads youth worship, quotes scripture, sings specials and is working ahead in his new believer’s guide so that he can help others.
Today I marveled as the little children, that I first met 10 years ago, won a praise band competition for the youth of several area churches. I saw God’s plan unfolding before my eyes as our young adults sang with joy while the crowd worshipped. They will be amazing leaders of the churches of Honduras.
Our Faith Home children are becoming the men and women God created them to be, because of the people who invested in their life and the ministry of Faith Home. They will be a blessing to others, just as you have been a blessing to them. Whether you came on a short term trip, covered us in prayer, supported a child or a missionary here, YOU are a part of God’s amazing plan in Honduras. Thank you!