We had 28 of our older Faith Home children complete the first section of a series of Bible Studies over the past few months. They were dedicated to attend every Sunday Morning and passed the test showing that they understood the study. As a reward we took them to a Lake Yajoa, about two hours from Faith Home. We had a great bus ride, as Pastor Marcos from La Sabana drove while we enjoyed the scenery.

We visited a resort area first and the kids saw the boats and wanted to ride, but it was very expensive, so we just walked around and enjoyed the sights. It was a great time exploring and crossing the swinging bridge.
When we went back into town to eat later, we found out that the restaurant had a small boat that they would take us out in for a small price...so we went. Eight at a time, we rode out in the small hand made boat and viewed the lake and the fishing nets. The water was choppy and the wind was cold, but everyone had a great time! We enjoyed the meal of fish and tajadas on the top balcony of a beautiful 4 story building. It was a great day and everyone enjoyed getting to see another part of Honduras away from Faith Home.
We visited a resort area first and the kids saw the boats and wanted to ride, but it was very expensive, so we just walked around and enjoyed the sights. It was a great time exploring and crossing the swinging bridge.
When we went back into town to eat later, we found out that the restaurant had a small boat that they would take us out in for a small price...so we went. Eight at a time, we rode out in the small hand made boat and viewed the lake and the fishing nets. The water was choppy and the wind was cold, but everyone had a great time! We enjoyed the meal of fish and tajadas on the top balcony of a beautiful 4 story building. It was a great day and everyone enjoyed getting to see another part of Honduras away from Faith Home.
We started the 2nd section of the Bible Study last week. Odalin operates the computer as we project the scripture and questions on the wall while Pastor Miguel teaches. So proud of these kids who are eager to learn more and study their Bibles diligently.
Link to more photos on Facebook