Something is going around at Faith Home and it's apparently contagious. It was subtle at first, but now many appear to be infected with this mysterious disease. It seems to be affecting the thinking of our children. I first became suspicious last week when I noticed that some of them were working late without being told to. A few even missed supper. I checked for fever, but at the time they seemed okay...just a little sweaty. Saturday, however, it was obvious that it had spread to almost all of the boys and was out of control.
maintenance. Jose Pacheco and some of the others had worked several nights past dark and were very interested in learning how to build with the rebarb, blocks and concrete. But this day, there were over 20 boys here --late in the afternoon--on a Saturday. I asked Hector why he was making them work so late. He said he wasn't making them - they wanted to and just showed up to help. I watched in awe as they all worked in unison shoveling sand, mixing concrete, moving blocks and spreading the concrete, layer by layer. Something must be wrong with them!
God is good and I love those moments when He reveals Himself in the lives of our children. May they continue to be infected with confidence and courage to become the adults God created them to be!