It seems at times that we may never make it to the top of the mountain, but once we do and look at the valley below we realize just how far we have come. Each morning as I pray over the children in the valley below, I marvel at God's majesty in the sun rising over the beautiful mountain view.
Just a few short weeks ago, we saw God move through the campus of Faith Home and change the hearts and lives of several of our children. But just as strong as God's spirit is in some, the opposite has been true for others. I could see and feel the struggles in their hearts and behavior as God was calling them to Him and they resisted His call. Tonight some of them surrendered to that call. As youth service started and we began to pray, I could feel the Spirit of God sweep through the chapel like a breeze of fresh air. Mauricio led the praise band as everyone joined in to sing God's praises. While Henry preached, the kids were searching through God's Word, as His truth was revealed to their hearts. As we began to close in prayer, Miriam came forward to make a commitment to Christ, then Estefany Melgar, Nelson Bonilla and Isabel Bonilla. Several others knelt in prayer, seeking God as we continued to pray and sing for almost an hour while God's Spirit comforted and penetrated hearts.
When the service ended and I looked at those in front, I felt like I was on top of a mountain looking back at the countless hours people have spent in prayer for these children as they climbed out of their valleys. Yes, I know there will be more valleys ahead, as we continue to pray with heavy hearts for some of our children, but there will also be mountain views. The faces of these children with their faces glowing, was just as beautiful as my morning sunrise view. A powerful reminder to continue praying, continue loving....continue climbing.