The prayer of Tio Marcos will forever be burned in my mind as he willingly submitted his life to God to do with as He pleases. "Para Su Gloria, nada mas." He had no idea what the doctor would say, but it didn't matter to him. The great healer had already spoken. Tio Marcos made the decision that if it was God's will to take him home soon or to let him live to be old, he would live out each day for God's glory.
As we sat waiting for what seemed like an eternity in the doctors office Monday, I felt God's peace in what should have been a very stressful wait. Mina, Marcos' wife, tried to hide the concern in her eyes with her beautiful smile. She has incredible Faith, but I can't imagine what must have been going through her mind as she wondered about the future of her family. Tio Marcos just sat calmly reading through his notebook of devotional and sermon notes that he always has with him. He had a smile on his face that permeated through his eyes. What amazing confidence and Faith in God he has! He had told me Sunday, we were going "just to hear the doctor explain the test results, nothing more".
Finally, we were called back to the doctors office. It was the same doctor who had told us from the initial tests that it was Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma and all of the worst possible scenarios of treatment and possible death. I watched as the doctor read the test results over and over again and literally scratched his head. He then proceeded to call another specialist on the phone to ask a few questions to confirm what he was seeing. He looked up once again at Marcos and said "you're a lucky man". It seems that Marcos has a rare from of Non-Hodgkins lymphoma that is localized in only the skin of his leg. It has not spread to his blood or any of his organs. Again he shook his head and said, "you're a lucky man". Of course Marcos didn't miss the chance to explain his Faith in God and it had nothing to do with 'luck'. Yes, I believe God's glory was shown in that room!
As Marcos tells his story to his many 'kids' who still live at Faith Home and those that have moved away, I see it transforming their view. They are seeing the power of God in the life of someone they love dearly and I know that someday they will remember and draw upon that power to tell stories of their own...for God's glory.
Not only am I amazed at our awesome God, but I am challenged by the Faith of Tio Marcos. Before I came to be a missionary, one of my favorite songs was 'I want to live like that' by Sidewalk Prophets. I thought giving up everything to come to a foreign country and follow God's will was giving all I had. I have learned through being here and the increasing love for the kids, houseparents and people of this country, as well as those back home...I have more to give. No doubts, no fears, no questioning. When God speaks, I want to always listen and give my all so that His glory will be shown....I want to live like that!
God Bless,
Christina Massey, Director
Faith Home Ministries -Honduras
