Today was absolutely AMAZING! I don’t think I can possibly put into words the things that I saw God do today. Yesterday, we had spent hours scanning and filling in new glasses so that we would be fully stocked today. This gave us 1,620 pair of glasses for the computer to match with the people’s eyes. I felt pretty confident that we had lots of newer prescriptions in there and as we loaded the bus. I almost left the box of extra glasses behind, decided we would take it….just in case.
From the very first people and throughout the day, we had difficult cases that were hard to read. Strange prescriptions, cataracts and a couple of cross-eyed patients. Trina stood behind them and prayed as I tried desperately to get a reading. One time, I heard her say “Father God, straighten his eyes so that we can get a reading and fit him with glasses”. Immediately, his eye lined up in my scope and the auto refractor beeped a good reading. His prescription was not found in the glasses inventoried in the system, so I went to the box of extras to try. The perfect pair, with the exact prescription was there, just for that man!
One of our last patients of the day was the Pastor of the church in El Povenier. As I handed him my bi-lingual Bible to make sure he could read with his new glasses, He read Acts 4:20 “For we must tell of what we have seen and heard.”. We talked about all the miracles we had witnessed today in the church, the eye glass station, as well as the rest of the clinic and telling others what we have seen. It doesn't take a mission trip to see God move. He is working all around us everyday, we just need to look and listen and then tell others what we have seen and they can see and believe.
We serve an Awesome God and I can’t wait to see what He has in store for tomorrow!