There are times to speak and there are times to listen.
Today for me was a day of listening…..
Arising earlier than the rest, I spent some time listening to the sounds at Faith Home. God’s voice was a whisper in the gentle breeze that followed last night’s rain. His majesty was shouted with brilliance as the sun started to peak over the mountains creating a breathtaking array of the most amazing color. His peace could be heard in the silence of a campus full of amazing children, who had not yet awaken.
As we rode the bus to worship with the beautiful people of Pimiento, I listened to the team as they explained the surroundings to the newest members. Excitedly they told stories of what God has done in Honduras, as well as their lives at home.
The day seemed long and there were many places to go and things to do in preparation for tomorrow. Several of the team created an assembly line to help me scan, log and replenish the eyeglasses supply. Somehow we made what was a very tedious, frustrating task into a fun time of fellowship. The sound of our laughter seemed to shake the team house and replenish our spirit.
During devotion, we were singing in the dark, the thunder and lightening in the background seemed to affirm our words ‘Our God is an Awesome God’! God spoke many things to my heart today through many different ways….I’m glad I listened.