Thursday, September 8, 2011

Move in me

Today was the last day of clinic. It seems like this week has flown by, but yet there were so many unforgettable moments, I wonder how it all happened in just four days.

I have been learning the song ‘Muevete en Mi’ (Move in Me) in Spanish this week. It is an awesome prayer song that I first heard in Choleteca Honduras in 2002 and several times since then. As the Hondurans sing this song, I always just close my eyes and listen. While we worked in eyeglasses this week, Brayan taught me how to sing it. This morning, after we sang ‘Holy Ground’ in English, the Hondurans sang ‘Muevete en Mi” and I was able to sing along with them. Overwhelming!

Later in the day, a woman came into the eyeglass clinic with an odd prescription. The only pair of glasses that would work for her had a messed up earpiece. After a frustrating 30 minutes of searching for replacement arms and changing them out, I finally gave the completed glasses to the patiently awaiting woman. She was so happy and just kept thanking us. We had heard this woman singing a little earlier, so I asked if she would sing for us, not expecting what song she would choose. I was in awe when she started singing ‘Muevete en Mi’ with the most beautiful voice. It was as if she knew what my soul needed at that moment. It sounded like an angel singing. I was in tears as I listened. Instantly my soul, as well as my tired body was refreshed.

The Spirit of God is in this place
the Spirit of God is moving in this place
…is here to comfort
…is here to liberate
…is here to guide
the Spirit of God is here

Move in me Move in me
touch my mind, my heart
fill my life with your love
Move in me, God's spirit
Move in me