Lisa Uhlemeyer:
The third day of clinic was the busiest yet. The Pharmacy was extremely busy and at the most hectic time, Jeneen came over and said, “I need you to come and pray with me”. I immediately dropped my pen and stopped what I was doing to see what or who needed this urgent prayer. As soon as I walked over to the Medical Clinic, I saw a little boy being held by his father. His lips were purple, as were his face and hands. I didn’t have to ask her what the problem was, I knew. This little boy was in very serious condition. His parents, both aware of his congenital heart condition, were told by Jeneen to “just love him and enjoy the time they have with him”. She informed them that there was nothing we could do for his physical condition except offer prayer.
Several of us prayed fervently for this boy. Although we asked for a healing, if it was God’s will, we were really praying that God would take him home and end his suffering. We also prayed for his parents, for their comfort and for the peace that only God could give in this horrendous situation. After we prayed, I was amazed at the calmness of his parents. They did not want their beautiful baby boy to suffer any longer. They had smiles on their faces. God’s grace and mercy were upon them, they had a peace and comfort about them. After that precious family departed, the rest of us fell apart.
Dr. Jeneen Wood:
I am constantly amazed at the sheer “awesomeness” of the local interpreters that help us during our time on the mission field. Today, I had a child with a “boil” on her head. It was obvious that this beautiful little girl was in pain. She needed the sore lanced and drained so it can heal, with the help of antibiotics. As I walk to the girl with my supplies in hand I see that she has a HORRIBLE infestation of LICE. The bugs were so active that I could not see where to cut at first without moving the bugs away from the sore. Julio, without hesitating took the little girls hair in his hands and leaned her head onto his chest for support. He knew she was infested but didn’t hesitate to provide support in her time of need. His act of kindness toward his “own people” is an example we should ALL strive to follow. Thank God for people of compassion!
Allen Hughes:
One of the most overwhelming and humbling moments of my week happened on Wednesday afternoon when Deb came running over to me and asked me to help a boy who was in a wheel chair. I followed Deb out past our bus to the gravel road where I found a young man of about 19 or 20 years old in a wheel chair. With the assistance of Joe (another team member) we picked the young man up and carried him all the way to triage. His mother followed us with his wheelchair.
About an hour later the young man and his family were ready to leave. We had asked Johnny to move the bus over enough for the wheelchair to pass but it was still rough and slick. So I took control of the wheel chair and told his mother to follow us. I turned the chair around and pulled it backwards out to the road. Once I got to the road my spirit just took over and I decided to push the boy home. His mother had two other boys, one who was about 2 years old and another who was about 5-6 years old.
I asked the young man which direction to go and we took off down the dirt road. After traveling approximately ¾ of a mile we arrived at their little house. It then hit me that most of the trip had been on a slightly down hill grade. Which meant that his mother had pushed this 200 lb boy ¾ of a mile, on a dirt road, up hill to find God! My heart began to pound and I knew I needed to say my good-byes and start walking back before my emotions took over. I could feel it coming, the tears, the trembles, etc.
God was teaching me about true devotion and love from a mother who desperately wanted her son to accept God’s love. Where have I been all my life? What have I been doing that has been more important than making sure everybody I know accepts God’s love….I’m sorry Lord.