Tonight I shared my journey with with our 'Patch Club' children's ministry. I tried to explain to them why I am leaving them and going to another country to serve where God is sending me. I asked God this morning to help me leave some words with them that would be 'food for their journey'. If I am not going to be here as they grow up, then I wanted to make sure that I still get to be an influence on them. I talked about listening to God as they make their decisions for the future and how I had no idea as a child that this is what I would be doing now. We talked about trusting God with their decisions and how He has a plan for their lives, as well as that of the children of Faith Home. It got quite serious for a while as I fought back tears and assured them that I would find a way to 'skype' in and visit with them.
Finally, the mood lightened as the children asked questions and I tried to help them understand what it was like in Honduras. I told about the scenery and the weather and then I talked about the geckos and the little 'presents' they often leave for us. Miss Marcella had prepared cookies with chocolate sprinkles on them - which looked like gecko poo, so yeah, I used the comparison....the kids loved it! What a memory for them...and for me.