I remember a day, several years ago, when I suddenly realized that I couldn’t change the world sitting on my couch. Some days, I would come home from work, mentally exhausted and just zone out watching TV, eating supper and just sitting there until time for bed. I’m a morning person, so I always wake up happy, energetic and ready to take on the world. I have most of my moments of clarity with God in the mornings as I study His word, pray and let Him speak to my heart. One morning as I told God, once again, that I wanted to be His hands, feet and heart to the world, He spoke to my heart about wasted time. I started evaluating what I was really doing to reach others and how I was spending my time. I determined that it was time to change things. I refused to sit on my couch much and eventually stopped watching TV altogether. I started getting out and visiting and meeting people and really started to see what reaching out meant. It is more than just going to church and mission trips. It is using every available moment to touch lives…and let them touch yours.
As I look at my empty house this morning, I was reminded of the couch moment. I don’t mind that I have given everything away, because those are just ‘things’. What I have is more valuable than anything I could own in this world – the Peace of God. I want to share that peace with the world. As I prepare for the journey to be a missionary in Honduras, I am traveling light. I could fit everything I own in this borrowed car I am driving and I am perfectly content with that. I am looking forward to the ministry in Honduras and watching God move through hearts and lives along the way.
I am thankful for the day that I realized I couldn’t change the world from my couch and the fact that now…I don’t even own a couch!