Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Let His Light Shine

For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,”  made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of God’s glory displayed in the face of Christ. 
2 Corinthians 4:6 

Yesterday we had no power at Faith Home, so as it got close to dark the kids assumed that we would not have our normal Tuesday night church service.  Pastor Miguel came to my house to ask what I wanted to do.  Also at my house, were a few of our curious boys.  As we talked about it and searched for candles, I noticed that one particular young man seemed very excited to know that we might  go ahead and have church.  I mentioned to Pastor Miguel that it must be a miracle for this young man to WANT to go to church.  They all chuckled a little and then Pastor Miguel  began to talk to him about the decision we had all watched him struggling with.  He told him that he didn't have to be in church to accept Christ and God hears his prayers wherever he is.  I could almost see his thoughts, through the expression on his face as he said he was not ready.  I have to remind myself frequently 'In God's Timing'.    Earlier in the afternoon, I had sat at the picnic tables with several of the kids and they told me that at devotions that morning, they were thinking about wanting to accept Christ...but not ready yet.   One young man told me that he read the new Bible he received from a sponsor this week (that was a miracle too).  

It is a lot of work to keep up with the kids in the dark and set up enough candles to light the church, but I KNEW in my heart we needed to do we did.  As we left to prepare the candles for church, I had a few tagalongs on my gator.  They yelled out across the campus as we drove, 'there is church' and all of the others came to join us.   Henry began to play the guitar and we sang "Spirit of God, Move in me", while the candles flickered from a gentle breeze.   There was just enough light to see the kids bodies and actions, but dark enough that they almost felt invisible.  I watched as some who normally are 'too cool' to clap and sing, joined in with enthusiasm.  The Chapel echoed their voices better than any sound system I have ever heard.  As we prayed, I thanked God for this moment in which I KNEW He was again speaking to hearts.   Pastor Miguel talked about 'being ready' and the events of the day.  He told them we didn't need lights, or sound or even a building to worship God or accept Him in our hearts.  The kids were surprisingly quiet and I could tell they were listening.  Just as he started to wrap up and invite them to make a decision, the lights came on.  The kids went into a flurry of excitement and chatter and I felt disappointed that their focus...the moment was lost.  No decisions, at least publicly for now, but I know God is stirring their hearts and minds and I can't wait to see and be able to tell...the rest of the story.

Keep praying.....

God Bless,
Christina Massey, Director
Faith Home Ministries -Honduras
Apartado 3946
San Pedro Sula Honduras

Saturday, December 15, 2012


It seems at times that we may never make it to the top of the mountain, but once we do and look at the valley below we realize just how far we have come.  Each morning as I pray over the children in the valley below, I marvel at God's majesty in the sun rising over the beautiful mountain view.  

Just a few short weeks ago, we saw God move through the campus of Faith Home and change the hearts and lives of several of our children.  But just as strong as God's spirit is in some, the opposite has been true for others.  I could see and feel the struggles in their hearts and behavior as God was calling them to Him and they resisted His call.  Tonight some of them surrendered to that call.  As youth service started and we began to pray, I could feel the Spirit of God sweep through the chapel like a breeze of fresh air.  Mauricio led the praise band as everyone joined in to sing God's praises.  While Henry preached, the kids were searching through God's Word, as His truth was revealed to their hearts.  As we began to close in prayer, Miriam came forward to make a commitment to Christ, then Estefany Melgar, Nelson Bonilla and Isabel Bonilla.  Several others knelt in prayer, seeking God as we continued to pray and sing for almost an hour while God's Spirit comforted and penetrated hearts.  

When the service ended and I looked at those in front, I felt like I was on top of a mountain looking back at the countless hours people have spent in prayer for these children as they climbed out of their valleys.  Yes, I know there will be more valleys ahead, as we continue to pray with heavy hearts for some of our children, but there will also be mountain views. The faces of these children with their faces glowing, was just as beautiful as my morning sunrise view.  A powerful reminder to continue praying, continue loving....continue climbing.

Christina Massey, Director
Faith Home Ministries 

Apartado 3946
San Pedro Sula Honduras 

Friday, December 7, 2012


We received the container late yesterday afternoon and had to unload quickly as it was getting dark. All of the boys jumped in to help and formed an assembly line to move the boxes into the storage container, to be sorted through later. Everyone was full of smiles and laughter as they worked. A priceless moment was when a box of socks and boys boxers came open and all the boys let out a shout of's the little things that excite us here. :-)

You are an essential part of a ministry that encourages children to be God's Hands, Feet & Heart to the country of Honduras. The container is very important to the ministry here at Faith Home. Not only the items that you send, but the testimony of giving out of your love for the children. They see things coming off of the container and know that they came from people in the United States who love them. Thank you for making a difference in the life of these children, this ministry and this country...for Christ.

God Bless,
Christina Massey, Director
Faith Home Ministries -Honduras
Apartado 3946
San Pedro Sula Honduras