Sunday, February 28, 2010

Great Day!

Today was a great day.  We went into town, ate lunch and went to the grocery store.  Then on to visit the sites that we would be working at this week to get a layout and a plan.  La Sabana is where we will be Monday and Tuesday.  Medical, Dental, Glasses, Hearing Aids, etc. will be at the school.  The church is about a quarter mile from the school.  As we walked to the church, taking in the sights of the houses and the people, I was once again overwhelmed at the simplicity of Honduran life.  They may not have much by our standards but they have a lot that we often miss.  We get so wrapped up in all the things we have to do - no, the things we WANT to do and all the places we WANT to be, that we seldom slow down and just enjoy the simple things in life.  As I watched the two women sitting out in front of their houses visiting, the girl washing her hair in the outside wash basin, the children playing in the dirt, I was somewhat envious.  I mean, I know they have their problems that make my petty problems seem ridiculous.  But they also have a peaceful, patient no hurry, no stress lifestyle.   I'm thinking... back to the basics.  What's really important?  What happened to the times when people sat around and visited with their neighbors?  Took time to talk to the person in line at the store?  Do we even pause to wait for a response when we ask someone how they are doing?  Children playing with other children in their neighborhood instead of glued to a computer, tv or video game?  Families spending time together?

As I asked the Hondurans that I passed how they were doing and waited for their response, I noticed that most of them not only said they were good, they asked me how I was and then said Glory to God or God bless you as they SMILED.  I may only know a little spanish, but I'm confident that a smile is the same in any language.  I'm definitely going to take a lesson from them on this and challenge others to do the same.  Ask someone how they are and actually listen to what they say.  Take time to visit a neighbor or friend you haven't seen in a while.  Turn off the tv and talk to your family.  Slow down and look around at what you might be missing or taking for granted.  Whatever we think we have to hurry up and do will still be there and I'm sure we'll find that we even have extra time after it's done.

While I snapped pictures of the scenery, the houses and the children I noticed the beauty, despite the structures.  Beauty in God's creation.   Looking past the sad conditions I saw the beauty of a country, a people eager to meet US. Why do they seem so happy to see us?  I'm sure they know we have something to give them...and we will.  Tomorrow we will share God with them as well as meet their physical needs.  As we see hundreds of people, I want us to see each of them as an individual that God has brought for us to witness and show His amazing love to.  Pray that we will be the hands, feet and voice of God to the Honduran people. 

Awesome Worship Service!

What an amazing way to worship God!   Hondurans really know how to praise God.  They sing for like 45 minutes and it is the most heartfelt worship experience.  As we sang, some of the songs came back to me and I sang along, while others I just closed my eyes and felt God's presence.  They asked the team to come forward and sing a special, which I was totally dreading.  But when we stood on the stage of their chapel around their baptistry and sang 'We are standing on Holy Ground', it was just overwhelming!  We truly were standing on Holy Ground and I sincerely felt God surrounding us and the Faith Home children.

Saul brought the message, but not in English as I expected.  However, it was amazing.  I understood enough to get the basics of the message.  As I heard him explain a relationship with our loving God to the children and watch them respond as they listened intently ....priceless!  It was just an awesome start to our week and I am ready to do whatever God has planned for us.

It is an amazingly cool morning (for here) and we are totally enjoying not dripping in sweat for once.  Heading out to town now.   Hope everyone has an Awesome Sunday!
Awesome beautiful morning! The sun made an amazing array of colors as it rose over the mountains this morning. So peaceful yet each sound of the children, the team and nature blended in unison like a perfect harmony of music. We are worshipping with the Faith Home children this morning in their new chapel. After church we will go to town and then to our first sight to get a plan for our first work day tomorrow.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Good Night!

Just finished an awesome worship time with the team.  Got to meet the team and hear their stories.  I already feel like I have known them for a while.  It's amazing the way each one came to be on this team...most in circumstances that only God could have worked out.  

Today was busy and full, traveling and getting settled in.  As I stop and reflect, my mind keeps going back to the people I met on the plane from St. Louis to Atlanta.  An amazing family that is struggling with several overwhelming problems in their life.   The incredible strength that it must take to face an uncertain future is unreal.  I told them I would keep them in my prayers and hope to re-connect with them in the future.  They were on their way to take a cruise while she still could.  I hope they have an awesome time.  One thing the man told me keeps running through my mind.  He said as hard as the future was to face, he wouldn't trade one moment of time with his wife.  Makes you think.  Sometimes you have to face pain in life .... but to not live life to the fullest and share that life with others is the greatest tragedy.   As the song says: you could miss the pain, but you'd also have to miss the dance.  This family's situation breaks my heart, but it also inspires me to do more, live more, love more and ask God to help me be all that He intended.

Looks like everyone is settling down for the night.  It's been a long day.  Gonna get up early and go running before church.  Hoping to catch the beautiful sunrise over the mountains. 

We're Here!

Arrived at Faith Home about 30 minutes ago.  Still getting things unloaded and organized, waiting for remainder of team to arrive.  Dot Richardson and 3 others who flew out of Memphis had their flight changed and won't be in until after 9pm tonight.  Now I'm glad I flew from St. Louis!  It has started raining here and is very muggy.  Getting ready to meet the rest of team and eat.  Yay! 
Just landed San Pedro Sula Honduras. Beautiful 80 degrees! A while through customs and baggage claim and then on to Faith Home. Cant wait to meet the rest of the team. There is a faith home link at the bottom of the blog if you want to see more about it. More later.....

On the way!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Looking forward to what is ahead...leaving the rest behind.

The Countdown is on!

It's Monday night before the trip and I'm sooo excited.  4 more days and I head to St. Louis, flying out early Saturday morning.  I KNOW that God has great things planned for this trip and can't wait to be a part of it.