Thursday, November 28, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving


We have so many things to be thankful for on this day:

GOD - His amazing Love and perfect plan ... and that He allows us to see His Glory shown in the lives of the people around us.

THE FAITH HOME CHILDREN - The blessings we receive from them as we help them know God and discover His amazing plan for their lives.  

THE FAITH HOME STAFF - The sacrifices each of them make to be here as God's hands, feet and heart to our children.

THE HONDURAN PASTORS - The passion they have for spreading the gospel to their people and the encouragement they give to our Faith Home family.

OUR FAMILIES - The love and support they give for us to be apart and fulfill God's calling on our lives.

OUR MISSION FAMILY - Those who give of their time, money and most importantly ...HEART, so that we can continue the work God has called us to do in and through the Faith Home children.

If I were to list names, I would never stop because I realize that the list of people - PAST, PRESENT & FUTURE - who have contributed to Faith Home Ministry in Honduras is endless.

     Because of those who have gone before us, the way has been paved
     for this amazing ministry.   We stand upon their shoulders as we carry
     the torch to ignite God's light in a country that desperately needs HIS

     Because of those who presently support and encourage us, we are able
     to carry on the day to day ministry that allows us to witness God
     changing hearts and lives.

     Because of those God is currently equipping and preparing, this
     ministry will continue on, until the love of Christ is introduced to every
     person in this country...and the ends of the earth.

THANKFUL is a very small word to express the depth of gratitude I feel on this day, but I pray that you hear my heart.

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

God Bless,
Christina Massey, Director
Faith Home Ministries -Honduras

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Rest in Peace Felix Ariel

Felix Ariel Hernandez Medrano was born on April 3, 1994  in El Progresso, Honduras.   We don't know the full circumstances of the first few years of his life, but at age 5 he was rescued and given the hope of a future in Faith Home.  He ran from the van upon arrival at Faith Home and hugged the tree by the dining hall as if holding on for dear life.

As Ariel grew into a tall, dark and handsome young man, he enjoyed the opportunities Faith Home provided.  He had a beautiful smile that melted hearts.  He worked hard even though he suffered from asthma.   He loved to play soccer, drink pepsi, share with others and hang out with friends.  After Little Angels school, he attended a technical school in San Pedro.  
When he worked with the medical teams, you could see God's heart flowing through him.   Ariel left Faith Home last year, after turning 18, and was currently living in San Manuel.   

Ariel had a new job in Tegucigalpa and Hector was to take him to the bus at 6am on Monday.  He was so excited about this new opportunity and the changes that would follow in his life.   Tragically, Ariel was murdered in his sleep just 2 days before this new juncture in his life.

Please pray with us as we seek peace and help the children cope with the loss of their 'brother'.  We may never understand why, we can only trust in God's amazing love that will carry us through the days ahead and remind us of the value of Ariel's life.  

Ariel's first Christmas at Faith Home
Ariel working with the Med team this summer