Thursday, August 15, 2013


Faith Home received two new boys today!  Maynor, age 11, and Wilder, who is 10.  As with all of our children, these boys have quite a story, but the greatest part  is how they came to Faith Home.  It was our Faith Home children along with Hector and Maria, who found the boys and asked if we could take them in. 
In this country, we are faced daily with the sight of children in need of a home and their faces haunt me at times, because I know that we can’t help them all.   We know that each and every child who has come to Faith Home, is here because of God’s calling on their lives.  Since I arrived last year, we have been busy getting several older kids transitioned out of Faith Home and waiting to be stabilized to take more children.  I often prayed that God would tell me when and how to know which children to bring here and anxiously awaited His timing for the next children to come.  How would I know it was God’s plan?  His voice? 
His voice came in the form of a group of Faith Home boys, asking to bring these new precious souls to Faith Home.   As God always does, He lined everything into place for the process of getting the boys and within just a few days…they are here.  The first thing they did was start running across the green grass with the other children, their faces aglow with excitement.  The other children surrounded them and started telling them all about Faith Home.  I choked back tears as I saw their faces absorbing their surroundings and no doubt feeling the love flowing from the other children.  It is exciting to see our children having the heart to help other children experience the blessings of God in this place. 
I am so very excited for Maynor and Wilder and anxious to see what God has in store for their future.  Now we just need sponsors for them.  A sponsorship is $20 per month and it takes around 17 sponsors per child.  As a child sponsor, you are an essential part of a ministry that encourages children to be God's Hands, Feet & Heart to the country of Honduras. Your child sponsorship goes to pay for the overall care and education of your sponsored child.  It covers food, electric, payroll of the house parents and teachers, medical expenses and daily clothing and household needs, etc.  
If you would be interested in sponsoring Maynor or Wilder, please let me know and we will help you start the process of becoming a part of making a difference in the life of these children, this ministry and this country...for Christ.  

God Bless,
Christina Massey, Director
Faith Home Ministries